
FLAIR-project: UAV (drone) air quality sensing

Around one third of the Senseair company manpower is dedicated to highly scientific R&D as well as advanced Production Technique. Sometimes, the excellent developmental resources at Senseair act as consultants in external projects. One of them is the FLAIR-project.

Air pollution emitted by anthropogenic and/or natural sources constitutes a significant risk factor for a number of severe health conditions, e.g. lung cancer and stroke. According to the 2014 WHO report, air pollution caused the deaths of 7 million people worldwide in 2012. In Europe, air pollution is estimated to cause more than 300,000 premature deaths each year. The total annual economic cost of air pollution related health impacts is estimated to be in excess of US$ 1.5 trillion.

FLAIR contributes to a safer environment by providing detailed air quality data e.g. around industrial infrastructure, highways and ships or in case of catastrophic events like wildfires, volcanic eruption or chemical accidents.


The concept: A high-performance air sampling sensor based on cutting-edge photonic technology is mounted on an UAV (drone) for pervasive and large area coverage with high-specificity and high-sensitivity (ppbv) air quality sensing.



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